27 April 2013. My last time for this HTA
All the deco for my dorm start a week before the due.
Hahaha. Maybe a little bit messy but seriously it is awesome. Just imagine the
night before that day, many pupils cannot sleep because of the nervousness (me)
and still with the deco (maybe a few others). The whole week I become Hitler in
my dorm. Forcing the little sweet demure Form 1 to sleep at 2.00 a.m. Do I
care? This is for their own benefits rite? Haa. Okay. This is little
souvenir(s) at that HTA.
Act, we plan
to give a huge bombastic surprise for the boys that day. But yeah, the boys are
always more brilliant than girls. They have their own surprise before we
surprised them. Such a pffft. Then, the girls mourn for the whole day at that
HTA. Esp for the Fivers. Of course laa, this is our last HTA rite? =( Haaa let by gone be by gone. All was
happened. Just go with the flow je laa
Uthman Al-Affan's mural.
Gila-gila dengan budak Form 1 bilik aku. Melayannnn.
Biru 2
Memang rasa macam nak main je tengok kasut ni
Biru 6
Biru 5
Biru 4
Hijau 6
Hijau 5
Merah 4
Merah 5 kot
Our banner
Uthman Al-Affan
Umar Al-Khattab
Abu Bakar As-Siddiq
Ali Abi Talib
Biru 8
Kuning 2
Kuning 1
Merah 3
Merah 2
Merah 1
Our dorm. Aku tak la buat gempak sangat. Asal kemas & nampak luas cukup la
The moment to enter Aspura
Their surprise
Aspura buat style Valentine gitu. For prefects, dorang dapat rose, then siapa perempuan yang beruntung tu dapatlahh. Haaiiii so sweet =P
Performance by Acap, Nick, Danny, Cheng & Hafiz
Hijau 3 Aspura
Hijau 2
Tak ingat dorm mana.
Tema Rumah Merah party. So Merah 1 buat Halloween Party.
The toyol.
Hanim, Zana, Syhrh, NZ
Kuning 5
Syhrh, NZ, Shafiq, Hanimat Biru 4
Arsyaddd !
Gerai Uthman Al-Affan
Ameer sambut birthday aku tahun lepas. Muahaha.
Wawa & Shida
Act, flower girl nak iring Syaheer ambil kunci Aspuri atas pentas. Tapi tak sangka, Aspura memang plan satu lagi gimik yang buat Aspuri bengang ngan dorang masa tu
Act, lepas ni Rumah Biru tiup buih belon. Rumah Kuning terbangkan flight. Rumah Merah baling belon.
Rumah Hijau baling parachute. Tapi serious tak jadi sebab Aspura dah lari dari compund. pffft
Rumah Biru jelah jadi gimik dia.
Wani sebok suruh Shafiq sign locker dia haaa
Budak Form 1 tah mana-mana
Hahaha kesian Ilman kena sign setiap loker. Ramai peminat la katakan Harry Potter ni..
Tiba-tiba pengantin baru dua ekor ni masuk bilik aku, aku pun pelik dah kenapa. Nak honeymoon bilik aku ke? Tiba-tiba, Syhrh kata, "Nisaaaaaa, tolong amek gambar. Hekhek~"
Huhhh nampak sangat tak ikhlas. =/
Lepas lawatan Aspura pergi Aspuri, tetibe lapar pulak.
Murtabak maggi
Nasran (KR Biru) & Haq
Okay hari tu memang penat. Sebab malam sebelum HTA tak tidur
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